Industrial Automation

Future Marine Automation and Emerging Technologies to Watch

Upcoming technology to anticipate in the field of Marine Automation and technologies to come Automation is set to transform the maritime industry even further, meaning that the move towards greater levels of automation in the marine environment is almost inevitable. With the increasing trend in the movement of goods and commerce and ships worldwide,...
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Modern Transducers A Key Component in Industrial Automation

Modern Transducers Subsystem of Industrial Robotics The industrial automation system incorporates transducers to convert given physical values such as pressure, temperature and flow into electrical signals. The development of transducers has changed automation systems to a great extent, and these have become essential nowadays. What are Transducers? Transducers are defined as devices that are...
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A Historical Overview of Fire Alarm Systems and Automation

An Historical Overview of Fire Alarm Systems and Automation Since the invention of fire alarm systems, fire alarms have advanced from simply ringing bells to more complex other automated systems, which can connect with the advanced technologies of contemporary buildings. The development of fire alarm systems has enhanced fire identification and reaction to such...
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Top Automation Solutions for Modern Industries: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency

This is essential for most businesses to look for any opportunity to reduce cost, perform their operation efficiently and effectively, and even capture the market from their competitors. Considering the solutions that may facilitate achieving these objectives, the frequent application of automation technologies can be mentioned. What is Industrial Automation? Industrial automation is a...
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ABB Servo Motors Performance and Applications

ABB Servo Motors: These properties make performance and applications of the nanocomposite to be as follows: It must be noted that the ABB brand of Servo Motors has been regarded as delivering superior performance, durability and flexibility in a wide array of operations. In its current catalogue, ABB – a leader in industrial automation...
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